What's happening! (Update)
I guess it’s probably time for another update for everyone. Just complications after complications. So for this time around my stomach is still healing, but I can tolerate a lot more food in my stomach and digestive tract. It’s gotten a lot better since the last time. So that’s good. That's as far as my GVHD is concerned. It's being very well managed and controlled and only time can heal my gut because there's nothing much else to do dealing with my gut.
So here's a little secret. I was actually discharged in August, and it wasn't all that special because I was still feeling sick while leaving the hospital. And because I was still feeling sick, I got a fever and so when I called my doctors about it, they told me to come back in for a check up and blood work. When the results came back, I was treated with antibiotics. I was admitted back into the hospital, seeming as if I have never left in the first place.
But at the same time I was having joint pain in my right knee. Everyone thought that it was just avascular necrosis (AVN) because of prolonged use of a certain medications. But when they took an x-ray of my knee they saw a small lesion (a damaged area) in my knee and it was different from AVN. So after the x-ray they took a CT scan of my knee, and they found that the knee was filled with fluid so it was inflamed and swollen compared to my other knee. Once they found out that there was fluid in my right knee, the surgical doctors acted immediately and went to take out the fluid out of my knee. They used about a four-inch needle and poked my knee from the side to get under the kneecap. I'll save the other details for those who are squeamish to theses kinds of things aha. So yeah, after the third try, they were finally able to get to the fluid out from my knee, but they only got enough of what they needed and a bit more just to be safe. The fluid they were able to collect was a yellow puss color which isn't normal, so they took the fluid into testing.
The results came back and it was tested positive for the same bacteria that was giving me the fever. And there was a lot of the bacteria just in the knee, that was why it hurt when I was having the fever. And because my knee was so infected my doctors decided for me to get surgery on my knee to clean out the bacteria so it could become much more manageable to take care of. So that happened, I had surgery on my knee and it was cleaned out. But the doctors wanted to be sure and wanted to cover all basis so they wanted to give me an MRI scan of my right leg to see if there was any more infection.
I got the MRI scan and well... the femur was also infected but the infected sights were inside of the bone sort of. I had to go through surgery again because they would have to drill into the bone to get to the infected sights to be washed out and to allow for the antibiotics to reach those infected areas.
That was about a week ago. My right leg is healing and I'm able to move it around so much more than when I just got out of surgery. I'm doing okay and my leg is doing fine and I'm on the right track into getting better from all of this. Thanks for reading and caring about me. I really do appreciate it.
so glad to hear your leg is getting better and you're able to be mobile sir..praying for you every day brotha...i can't imagine the physical toll it was on your body going in and out of surgeries..but man you're a warrior...love ya bro..get well soon