I'm Home!!!!

So I’m finally home, technically I was discharged home on October 26. But I guess it’s finally time to give you guys an update ahaha. My knee is pretty much healed, now all I need to do is to regain my strength back from being in the hospital for such a long time. I’m regaining my strength slowly, and also my endurance. As for my gut, it’s still slowly healing, I can pretty much eat anything, but I still have to watch what I eat. I’m still on a lot of medications but that will all come off as time passes, so I’ll probably be slow going like I’ve always been aha.

This one seems so much shorter than all the other ones ahaha. But that’s pretty much it. I’m finally home now after ten months away. So close to a year, but if you do count the previous admission then it would be a year. And if you count the intermissions in between then it would have been eighteen months. Eighteen months away from doing nothing except being in the hospital. And despite that, I was trying to do my best be joyful for everybody around me. It was long and there was so many things that I missed out on. There were many times I got really impatient with a few people and there were many times where I got impatient and angry at myself. It was a hard truth to face that there was nothing I could do except wait it out. There was so much I wanted to do before all of this. And I guess from this experience… I learned that all in due time I’ll be able to do the things I want to do. Time is precious, but also is being patience. “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” – Ecc 3:1
